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Today you can find many ways to get acquainted with a man or a woman online. At your service marriage agencies, all kinds of dating sites, specialized forums and chats. It does not matter if women looking for men or vice versa. The main thing is to make the right choice. To do this, you need to properly study the questionnaires of potential partners, ask as many specific questions as possible. But it is not the fact that these answers will be true. The conclusion is that you do not need to fully trust the information received. Personal communication can serve as the main check.

The World Wide Web has already won a part of our life space and taught many people how to communicate through a webcam. It’s very useful to talk to your chosen one face to face. After all, sometimes a simple conversation can remove a lot of questions and dispel misunderstanding. Just turn on the camera, and you can look into the eyes of your friend, after which communication will become much more interesting. How to organize a video communication session? First, both you and the person you are talking to must have a webcam. Many new models of cell phones and even digital cameras can be used as a webcam. To do this, you just need to read the instructions for the devices. Also, almost all models of notebooks have built-in cameras.

Once the webcam is installed, you’ll be able to adjust video quality, adjust colors and sound effects. Almost all cameras already have a built-in microphone, but if you are not satisfied with the quality of the transmitted sound, you can buy a special “computer” microphone. The camera itself and the headset in most cases is connected via USB connector. The next step is to download a special program for communication. The choice of such programs is currently extensive. The most popular are Skype and MSN. They are quite easy to use and it is no problem even with an unprofessional computer user (when installed, the program itself detects the webcam).

With the help of programs it is possible to provide video communication with a clear and sharp image, which can be opened on the whole space of the monitor without losing quality. You can also communicate online through special Internet services or video chat rooms. To do this, you need to find such applications on the network. It won’t be a problem. The most common program to communicate through a webcam is Skype.

What’s important to know when you’re chatting on Skype

Video communication between his subscribers is free. So you don’t have to worry about the money spent on the calls. But if you don’t use unlimited Internet, but pay for the traffic, then such communication cannot be classified as cheap. For half an hour of communication you will earn about 40 Mb of traffic. It is worth noting that the video quality is quite decent.

Another important point: for normal operation of the webcam will need a good light, so if you do not have a desk lamp in your home, you will have to buy it. If you have decided to stop video dating, you should be prepared for the fact that you are unlikely to immediately feel comfortable in front of the camera. Organise a video session with one of your old friends for training first. You can also find “local singles near me” so that you can move on to real meetings as soon as possible after such communication.

At first, when mastering Skype, conduct conversations, being at home alone. This way you will feel more relaxed: no one will interfere with you. If there is someone in the apartment all the time, then ask your neighbors not to come into your room during sessions. In advance, make a list of topics for dialogue, so that there are no painful pauses.  First, you can run through the items on his questionnaire: ask about your hometown, profession, discuss hobbies. Gradually, conversation topics will appear, allowing you to have a real conversation online.