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Men also sometimes turn to tattoo artists to get rid of asymmetry or fill in the gaps formed as a result of hair loss. The optimal shade is selected in the same way as for women, taking into account the face’s colour type and shape. When performing male tattooing, it recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • inject pigment under the skin using the soft shading technique;
  • do not make precise contours;
  • combine pigments of different shades for the most natural result.

A well-made tattoo looks so natural that, without close attention, others will never be able to guess about the origin of a beautiful shade and the ideal shape of eyebrows.

Stages of the permanent tattoo procedure

How is a permanent eyebrow tattoo done? We propose to consider an approximate algorithm of the process, starting from the preparatory stage.

Several recommendations for preparing for a tattoo.

Twenty-four hours before the procedure, it is advisable to give up alcoholic beverages, strong tea and coffee. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the use of antibiotics and blood-thinning drugs. It was not recommended to sunbathe or visit a solarium before tattooing. If you feel fear or anxiety, shortly before visiting the master, you can take a valerian pill or take any other drug with a similar effect.

What happens in the master’s office.

The entire procedure for permanent eyebrow tattooing usually takes from 1.5 to 2 hours and is carried out in the following order:

a conversation the client and the master, during which the approximate shape, thickness and shade of future eyebrows discussed;

  1. cleaning the skin from make-up, processing with a disinfectant solution;
  2. drawing a sketch and agreeing on it with the client;
  3. applying an anesthetic to the skin in the form of a cream or gel (the effect of local anesthesia usually begins about 15-20 minutes after treatment);
  4. injecting pigment under the skin using sterile disposable needles and a special barrier attachment on the tattoo machine (as a rule, working with the dye takes about 40 minutes);
  5. the definitive treatment of the skin and advising the client on skincare at home.

The use of an anesthetic, of course, reduces the intensity of pain but does not eliminate it. According to customer reviews of permanent eyebrow tattooing melbourne, the effect of the device resembles mosquito bites and does not cause almost any discomfort.

Eyebrow care after permanent tattooing

How to take care of a permanent eyebrow tattoo? Because during the pigment injection, the skin injured by the needle, special attention should be paid to the care of the “fresh” tattoo. Remember that non-compliance with recommendations or neglect of care procedures can negatively affect the final result.

Here are some basic guidelines:

The treated skin may remain swollen and reddish in the first 24 hours after tattooing. In case of the formation of drops of blood or lymph, they can carefully removed with a dry napkin or cotton wool (of course, we are talking about light blotting, not friction).

On the first day after the procedure,  may also be a pain in the area where the pigment injected, or manifestations of allergies may begin. To eliminate the symptoms of an allergic reaction and severe pain syndrome, one allowed to take medications. Every three hours, damaged skin must be disinfected with a solution that does not contain alcohol.

On the second day after tattooing, the edema will begin to subside. Do not be upset if the eyebrows seem too dark for you – this is because the secreted ichor partially coloured with pigment. Continue disinfecting and healing.

On the third day, the damaged skin is usually completely covered with crusts, which means it becomes less vulnerable. You can already carefully wash your face with water at this stage, but only without aggressive chemicals and washcloths.

Powder brows pros and cons

After 5-7 days, itching may occur – a sure sign of healing processes. However, scratching and rubbing itchy skin is still not worth it. Gradually, the crusts will fall off, and if you see a wound in their place, then it must be treated with an antiseptic.

After the crusts have come off, it will be possible to preliminarily evaluate the result: how evenly the pigment laid down and how the selected eyebrow shade combined with your appearance.

How long does a permanent eyebrow tattoo heal? Complete healing can take up to four weeks. After this period, it will be possible to set a final grade and outline a work plan for subsequent correction.

After the permanent eyebrow tattooing procedure, it prohibited to:

  • touch the treated areas until they completely healed: scratch, rub, apply makeup;
  • for the first seven days, wipe the eyebrows with any liquids, except for disinfectants;
  • visit the gym and sauna (otherwise, sweat can corrode the wounds), be exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet rays.

Duration of the tattoo effect

How long does a permanent eyebrow tattoo last? A well-made permanent eyebrow tattoo can retain its beauty for about five years. It is worth noting here that this period depends not only on the professionalism of the master but also on the quality of the client’s adherence to his recommendations. The specialist’s task is to comply with the protocol of the procedure, use high-quality materials, competently instruct the client about all stages of caring for permanent eyebrow tattooing about prohibitions and means that will need to use. The client’s task is to strictly follow all instructions and seek advice from the master in case of problems.

Duration of the tattoo effect

The type of dye and its shade can also affect the duration of the effect. So, organic paints lose their saturation faster than mineral ones, and the latter (provided that they are not very high-quality) can give an unnatural shade after a specific time. Light tones tend to lose their appeal much faster than dark tones.

The duration of the tattoo also depends on age, metabolic rate and the state of the immune system. Older women enjoy the effect much longer than young girls.

Eyebrow tattoo correction

After the skin completely healed, you can evaluate the result and discuss it with the master. All defects usually corrected by correction, which is carried out one month after the primary procedure. At this stage, you can add thickness, slightly adjust the shape or make the eyebrows a little brighter.

After a year, the eyebrow shade usually fades, which can also correct by correcting the permanent eyebrow tattoo.

On the Internet, you can find different reviews about the procedure for permanent eyebrow tattooing. The most common reason for dissatisfaction is an unsuccessful result, resulting from contacting a master with low qualifications. Some women talk about intense pain during the procedure, but there are very few such responses. 90% of the effect depends on the experience and qualifications of the master, so you should contact only proven salons and only experienced specialists.